Purchase a bottle of 25% Aluminum Chloride.
Place a few drops in a dappen dish.
Before you start with a crown prep of anything you will take an impression of or digitize, wipe the gingival tissue with a micro brush soaked in the solution.
Do this several times during your prepping, rinsing after application.
Two things happen:
Bleeding is much less, if at all. It also seems to relax the tissue making it easier to prep the tooth.
Most of the time, I did not have to pack cord to take the impression. This eliminated having to place pastes with AlCh in them, such as Expasyl or Traxodent, around the tooth.
That saves you $4 to $8.
When I did have excess bleeding, I would place some of these products over the area with an instrument, not suing the syringe as this wasted material. Let it set for about 2 minutes and then rinse the area. Bleeding will stop. Pack cord if you wish, you will get a great impression.
What is Easy Tray Dental?
A Unique Thermoplastic Material for Creating Rigid Custom Trays
The Easy Tray system is fast, clean and order-free and saves you from the mixing, mess and smell of fabricating acrylic trays. Just soften the thermoplastic material in hot water (>170°) for less than a minute, then mold it directly in the mouth of the patient or on a model. Place the molded Easy Tray under cold running water for 30 seconds - remove the spacer and your tray is ready.
Easy Tray gives you more while using less. Easy Tray forms a rigid and dimensionally stable tray that is accurate as custom acrylic trays. Plus, Easy Tray uses 2/3 less material than a stock tray in a full arch impression and even uses less than a quadrant dual arch tray. Using less impression material can mean more comfort and less gagging for your patients and a better overall dental experience. Easy Tray makes it possible for the laboratory to pour up a fully supported impression and fabricate consistently precise dies.
Labs love Easy Tray because it helps eliminate make overs.

I will post tips weekly to give you ideas to use or try that I have found makes my working day less stressful. Get yourself a bottle of 25% aluminum chloride solution. When done prepping a tooth for a crown and you are ready to take an impression, dip a microbrush in the solution and rub it over the tissue and around the tooth. This material will clean up the surface of the tooth and it makes the tissue relax so that it falls away from the tooth. Plus it stops minor bleeding. Rinse well with water and dry as you wish. You now can take a better impression or digital picture for the lab or even for a Cerec crown. A bottle costs aroud $30. and will last a year. I learned this in one of my dental study clubs and it works. In many cases it eliminated using a cord.
This product has been around for a while, and I am sure that a lot of dentists already are using it, but I just "discovered" it as I was walking through the ex¬hibits at the California Dental Association meeting in Anaheim. I usually have avoided custom impression trays because of all the steps and stinky materials involved in making them. When I need one, I send it off to the lab to have it fab¬ricated and that gets expensive.
This material has greatly simpli¬fied the process of making custom trays. The process was invented and is marketed by a dentist, Dr. John Wagner, and his wife, Nancy, out of Seattle. This new tray is not an acrylic, so there is no mixing, no smell, no liquids spilling and no mess! This is a thermoplastic material that is sup¬plied in the shape of upper and lower base plates. It is made moldable by placing it in water over 190 degrees for about 15 seconds. The water can be boiling and you can leave the material in the water for hours with no change — it just stays soft. Amazing! Or, you can simply soften it in a bowl.
-- by Joseph A. Blaes, DOS — Editor, DENTAL ECONOMICS
Easy Tray forms a rigid and dimensionally stable tray that is as accurate as custom acrylic trays. Plus, Easy Tray uses 2/3 less material than a stock tray in a full arch impression and even uses less than a quadrant dual arch tray! Using less impression material can mean more comfort and less gagging for your patients and a better overall dental experience. Easytray makes it possible for the laboratory to pour up a fully supported impression and fabricate consistently precise dies.
Clinicians use Easy Tray as a way to:
- Create impression trays, denture trays or bite registrations
- Form a matrix for temporary crowns
- Protect adjacent teeth during extraction
- Provide a fulcrum when removing root tips
- Take records in partial denture cases
- Cover bone graft donor sites
- Take full orthodontic bite registrations