Easy Tray gives you more while using less Posted on 29 Jan 13:08
Easy Tray forms a rigid and dimensionally stable tray that is as accurate as custom acrylic trays. Plus, Easy Tray uses 2/3 less material than a stock tray in a full arch impression and even uses less than a quadrant dual arch tray! Using less impression material can mean more comfort and less gagging for your patients and a better overall dental experience. Easytray makes it possible for the laboratory to pour up a fully supported impression and fabricate consistently precise dies.
Clinicians use Easy Tray as a way to:
- Create impression trays, denture trays or bite registrations
- Form a matrix for temporary crowns
- Protect adjacent teeth during extraction
- Provide a fulcrum when removing root tips
- Take records in partial denture cases
- Cover bone graft donor sites
- Take full orthodontic bite registrations